Friday 2 March 2018


I thought that true love had extincted , 
until i found my love staring through the depths of  my soul,
unfolding the petals of mysteries inside .....
I was haunted by ghosts of past until -
you thawed away my insecurities with your radiant smile.
Life was a torment of regrets until  you came,
resurrected my soul & held me tight .
The journey of our relationship took a  brand new start,
When i felt a ring on my finger ,which made my heart flutter.
The unexpected tenderness in your touch ,
made it so irresistible for me to let it go.
Our hands intertwined for the first time ...
The spaces between our fingers fitting together so flawlessly,
Like the jagged ends of a crystal antique getting along impeccably 
ending up as something mysteriously mesmerizing than a masterpiece
Revelation of our love to the world by unraveling all mysteries,
Made it more exciting & i could already  feel my soul flying with ecstasy
Ring u gave me is so special, that i just wanna wear it everyday
I want everyone to notice that i'll never dare to take it off,
That i'll  never give upon us under any circumstances .
One mistake and you'd slip away through my fingers.
I'd never let that happen, even in my worst nightmares.
I want everyone to know that i'm now, then and forever yours
It feels like a lifetime when I don't see you.
& your presence is the only thing in this whole wide world 
which can effortlessly make me feel so happy
Your love have power to cease the void  and-
fill my heart with the light of your  chivalrous,kind & beautiful soul
I have always adored your ever bright & luminous smile, 
which blinds me with it's  magnificence .
I'd risk  my whole world  just to see you happy
Cause you're the only one who could make my heart 
blossom with enormous love of yours,
Cause you've given me an exquisite eternity of our own !!!

Thursday 22 February 2018

Unrequited Love

Once upon a time, there used to live a little princess

who was always contend & carried a rapturous smile -
along with an innocent soul  who doesn't care about others flaws
little did she knew that the times cruel  claws,
is about to bring her miseries & deadly chaos......
Everything was so picture perfect back then.
But then she started growing up, she began to see-
heart breakers,backstabbers and lairs all around  her
staring at her breaking down with an impish glee
She stood in front of mirror & Hatred towards herself took over
As she found everything she believed in had proved her wrong
Once a happy girl, slowly started shattering into despair
As she couldn't achieve the happy life that everyone aspires
Life wasn't a paradise, but a hell filled with deadly vampires
She begged  for mercy to almighty ,
to help her find the hope's shimmering light
Life was full of never ending plights until she saw the dawn's light
She saw her protector, her hero, her knight in shining armor-
the very next day she went to work 
And thanked the creator for answering her prayers
The most handsome guy with an alluring smile approached her
She couldn't help herself but to smile back at him
He said he was new to this town with a small frown
She walked him down the lawn 
& did her best to make him feel like home
She kept talking to him everyday with the same enthusiasm
He reached out for her cold hand & their fingers entwined
Moments with him were so perfect, that she never wanted  to unwind 
They pinky promised to remain inseparable forever
She kept all promises & believed that he'd too
He proposed her & she confessed her true love
She asked her out by knowing that she'd risk the world to be with him
He gave her blossoms & filled her world with the fragrance of love
She gave him her heart & filled his life with warmth of her smile
He unraveled the mystery she was & felt delighted
She felt ecstatic with enormous love for being a reason behind his joy
He came often, seeking the love that he needed
She gave him her world & he took more than enough
She made him her world & he came seldom
He started to making her feel like he deserved more than she could offer
that someone else can take care of her world than she could
He started blaming her for mistakes she never made
He made her regret for crimes that she never committed 
Her eyes, once filled with sunshine started to overbrim with tears
He took away her light & made her fall into the darkness of despair
He took everything he wanted & abandoned her forever
She buried herself in the crypt of their love & left this world

Sunday 29 January 2017


I went to her graveyard and looked down refreshing all of these memories written in her dairy As i go through them, my eyes get filled with tears She was a little girl
who believed in fairy tales & magic of life Her life wasn't a happy one,
yet she managed to make others happy She danced and she laughed alone in her world she was happy with all of her secrets
and teddy bear which is her only companion then a boy came to her life then the boy fought & said
he wanna enter to her book of secrets
she found that there is something,
Something inexplicably addictive about falling in love and something about irrevocable feelings
that frightens even the best of us But with him, she found it becomes a little easier to breathe and a little harder to fall asleep she felt like he enlightened her whole world
which was filled with loneliness so she stopped dancing and silenced herself completely let the boy touch every secret she owned She never knew that he was a storm that could ruin her She was like a piece of land who delightedly endured him She asked for rain to him but he gave her hurricane. Her soul became the battlefield soon
& his tongue was the weapon which destroyed her and they fought many wars together
& the battle scars never faded from her heart And after he was done messing with her,
he left her devastated. But that's fine, she was an artwork & she still is. She gave herself to him,
& she'll never give herself to anyone else. Your paint was the only thing that spilled into the canvass; And if we are here in front of her grave
to dust her soul for fingerprints I'd be certain we'd only find his !! There's so many things I want to say. So many feelings to write about
& to lessen the burden from my chest i feel like the world is spinning
& the words inside my heads are shouting to get out of my head into a messy poem ... & Sometimes i feel like there just ain't anything left to say.

Saturday 24 December 2016


Like the sun that brightens the day You light up my life in every way Like the moon that glows in the sky You give me your heart without asking why Like the stars suspended above Your precious eyes shine with love You are my world My day My night You'll always be My source of light You’re the warmth in every sunshine The rainbow after every storm The grace in every fallen snow The river that washes away my pain When the wind whistles I hear your whispers filled with passion & love Without you, the thing i only feel is depression You my delicate sweet flower Every year you spring up in my garden Spreading smile on my face You are my wellspring of pleasure You’re the freshness in every breath of mine You are my wings of happiness Which allow me to fly freely in the endless sky of truelove You’re the first thought when I wake up And the last before I fall asleep You’re all of the dreams in between i'll think& dream about u endlessly You’re the light of pleasure in my gloomy life Your smile have power to lighten up my wole universe You’re also the voice in my head & music of my life I don't need you to catch me when I fall off a tower That doesn't really happen much I need you to catch the little pieces of me when I fall apart because the emotions were all too much I don't need a happily ever after And you don't need to be prince charming Because I am not a princess I don't wanna live in a castle to be happy We don't need thrown of power The thing we only need to lead a beautiful life is A magically mysterious& powerful wand of truelove Having each other is always enough Even when things get tough We will fight all the battles together We have eachother & we will love one another for eternity without expecting anything in return other than loyality And we will be living our fairytale Our world will be filled with love and laughter And our love story will be a happily ever after

Sunday 11 December 2016

Broken Angel

She have fallen & lost her grace
She fell in love & paid the cost
Now tears are streaming down her face
rebellious angel have been cast out of heaven
God had punished her by taking away her wings
Because angels are not meant to fall in love
Broken angel's wings are burning in the sky.
Little angel begins to cry,
As she won't be able to fly
her fragile body hits the ground
& her vision got blurred due to the rushing tears
Little angel is dying
Her feathers are falling
demons are laughing
fires are flashing
cages are filled
the devils are thrilled
Their eyes glow red
Colour of blood from a beating heart
They glow brighter as they spot their prey
The evil demon haunts the night 
Giving the world one heck of a fright 

Book of love

Our love started as a blank page For us to write a new one we stained the pages with black,white and some colourful hue of our experience together We gathered up all the colours of our life & hold on to our collection of stars of our happiness so when the world decides to turn grey without love we made our rainbow in the sky irrespective of the dim light and that's what made our life colourful But as we end it,our life will come to an end and the pages will be full of colours and words And it will be called a masterpiece